I am Flavie, I have been a Normander for several generations. At an early age, I listened to the stories of my grandparents, who were children during the occupation and liberation. Now an adult, listening to and sharing these stories has become a duty for me. I travelled around the United States for several months to interview American veterans of the Second World War, a project led by WW2 Veterans’ Memories. After several years as a guide at the Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mère-Eglise, I was then the communication officer of the Utah Beach D-Day Landing Museum and I finally decided to share you my passion and our common history through Normandy Discovery Tours. I have also been volunteering at the WWII International Museum near Boston since 2017. It is with great pleasure that I will introduce you to the historical Normandy of 1944 through many true stories.
Thomas and Flavie are two young Normans who have been passionate about the history of the Second World War since their earliest childhood. In order to pass on the Memory of the Normandy D-Day Landing to the new generations, our guides adapt their visits, making them immersive and enjoyable.

I am Thomas, a young Norman man passionate about the History of the Second World War for the past fifteen years. I am an active member of the Carentan Libery Group, an association for historical and event reenactment. To be closer to history and always discover new stories, I spend my weekends meeting the older people of Normandy, to collect their stories. Passionate about American Airborne troops, a few years ago I made a point of getting closer to these heroes by earning my parachute certification. After all these years of continuing to ensure remembrance, it is with passion and devotion that I will accompany you on a guided tour while I tell you the story of the Normandy landing and battle.

I’m Raphaëlle, a young Norman woman whose family has always lived between Calvados and La Manche. I was fascinated by history from an early age, and knew from the age of fourteen that my vocation would be to pass it on by becoming a guide. It was during my studies that I was able to deepen this passion for the history of my region and the Normandy Landings, particularly following my experience as a guide at the Caen Memorial. Passing on information became my main mission. Through interviews, documentaries, books and numerous exchanges with enthusiasts, I perfect my knowledge day after day, which I’ll be delighted to share with you.
My name is Noé, and I am a History graduate and enthusiast. I chose to specialize in Living History, in order to make history accessible and captivating for everyone. Enthusiastic about historical re-enactments, from the Roman period to the Second World War, it was only natural for me to become a guide to the history of the Normandy Landings.
Following an experience at the Omaha Beach Memorial Museum, I decided to join the Normandy Discovery Tours team, to put my passion and knowledge at your service. My aim is to raise awareness of the devastating impact of armed conflict and the crucial importance of preserving Peace.